Founded February 1, 1998
(042)-869-2241 FAX: 869-2245
Vol. 267, November 11, 2005


Kwon-ho Kim

Staff Reporter, Coverage Team
(No Major, Entrance Year 2005)

Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology
373 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon 305-711, Republic of Korea

Cell: 011-9283-9169
email: [email protected]

I decided to come to KAIST because I am very interested in engineering. KAIST's technological orientation was main reason for applying here. For no special reason I just love studying engineering. I find it interesting. Interest is very important for me when I choose to do something.

A good example was when I applied for Times reporter position. I just thought that being a Times reporter would be interesting. I'm still doing it because it is fun. Don't ask me why this job is so interesting. It just is. I prefer living without thinking too much. Oops! I almost forgot. The Chief Editor worked on me to join.

I don't have special message for my life. My life motto is "Do what you want." Regardless of what other people think or say, I just do what I want. However, this does not mean, "To hell with everyone else." If my life motto is to mean anything, I must keep promises to myself - I must be responsible for my own behavior. (Actually, I don't think I keep that promise very well.) As we can't live in society as anarchists, I always try to keep this minimum rule at least. I don't think deeply because I hate complicated things. I always focus on the present and try to make it pleasant. I don't have a particular ambition, goal or dream, but just work to be happy all the time.

As I explained, I love science. Now I plan to go on in aerospace engineering. I don't know much about it, but I have a hunch that it would be very interesting. At the same time, I am not sure when I will commit to a major because there are so many interesting things in this world. Why do I believe so? No reason. I just believe. I love studying. My favorite hobby is taking pictures on trips. Also I love reading and writing. Now I am learning guitar. It is very interesting. I also love sports - basketball, bowling, billiards. I have to stop enumerating my favorite things. What makes me sigh, though, is that I don't have anything I like specially. For example, although I love music, I don't have specific preference for it. That makes me wonder if I actually like music.

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