Books |
R. B. Laughlin, Powering the Future:
How We Will (Eventually) Solve the Energy Crisis and
Fuel the Civilization of Tomorrow (Basic Books, New York,
2011). |
R. B. Laughlin, The Crime
of Reason (Basic Books, New York, 2008). |
R. B. Laughlin, Looking for a Hero
(Hans Media, Seoul, 2006). |
R. B. Laughlin, A Different Universe:
Remaking Physics from the Bottom Down (Basic Books, New York,
2005). |
Humor and Opinion |
R. B. Laughlin, "Hiawatha's Valence Bonding,"
Annals of Improbable Research, 10, No. 6
(May/June 2004), p. 8. |
R. B. Laughlin, "The Cup of the Hand,"
Science 303, 1475 (2004). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Truth, Ownership, and the Scientific Tradition,"
Physics Today, December 2002, p. 10. |
R. B. Laughlin, "The Physical Basis of
Computability," Computing in Science and Engineering,
4, 27 (2002). |
Refereed Publications |
R. B. Laughlin, "Gossamer Superconductivity,"
Phil. Mag. 86, 1165 (2006). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Emergent Relativity,"
Frontiers in Science: in Celebration of the 80th
Birthday of C. N. Yang, (World Scientific, Singapore,
2003). |
G. Chapline, R. B. Laughlin and D. I. Santiago,
"Emergent Relativity and the Physics of Black Hole
Horizons," Analog Models of General Relativity,
ed. by M . Visser (World Scientific, Singapore, 2003). |
B. A. Bernevig, D. Giuliano and R. B. Laughlin,
"Coordinate Representation of the One-Spinon One-Holon
Wavefunction and Spinon-Holon Interaction," Phys. Rev. B
65, 195112 (2002). |
B. A. Bernevig, D. Giuliano and R. B. Laughlin,
"Spinon Attraction in Spin-1/2 Antiferromagnetic Chains,"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3312 (2001). |
G. Chapline, E. Hohlfeld, R. B. Laughlin and D.
I. Santiago, "Quantum Phase Transitions and the Breakdown of
Classical General Relativity," Phil. Mag. 81, 235
(2001). |
R. B. Laughlin, G. G. Lonzarich, P. Monthoux,
and D. Pines, "The Quantum Criticality Conundrum," Adv.
Phys. 50, 361 (2001). |
K. J. Harrington, R. B. Laughlin and S. Liang,
"Balanced Branching in Transcription Termination," Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. 98, 5019 (2001). |
R. B. Laughlin, D. Pines, J. Schmalien, B.
Stojkovic and P. Wolynes, "The Middle Way," Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. 57, 32 (2000). |
S. Chakravarty, R. B. Laughlin, D. K. Morr and C.
Nayak, "Hidden Order in the Cuprates," Phys. Rev. B 63,
94503 (2001). |
B. A. Bernevig, D. Giuliano and R. B. Laughlin,
"Spectroscopy of Matter Near Criticality," Ann. Phys.
311, 182 (2001). |
R. B. Laughlin and D. Pines, "The Theory of
Everything," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 97, 28
(2000). |
G. Vacca, R. D. Morgan and R. B. Laughlin,
"Differential Light Scattering: Probing the Sonoluminescence
Collapse," Phys. Rev. E 60, R6303 (1999). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Fractional Quantization," Rev.
Mod. Phys. 71, 863 (1999). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Parallels Between Quantum
Antiferromagnetism and the Strong Interactions," Proc. of
the Inaugural Conference of the Asia-Pacific Center for
Theoretical Physics, ed. by Y. M. Cho, J. B. Hong and C.
N. Yang (World Scientific, Singapore, 1998). |
R. B. Laughlin, D. Giuliano, R. Caracciolo and O.
L. White, "Quantum Number Fractionalization in
Antiferromagnets," Field Theories for Low-Dimensional
Condensed Matter Systems - Spin Systems and
Strongly-Correlated Electrons, ed. by G. Morandi, P.
Sodano, A. Taglacozzo and V. Tognetti (Springer, Heidelberg,
2000). |
R. B. Laughlin, "A Critique of Two Metals," Adv.
Phys. 47, 9433 (1998). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Magnetic Induction of
dx2-y2 + i dxy
Order in High-Tc Superconductors," Phys. Rev.
Lett. 80, 5188 (1998). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Evidence for Quasiparticle Decay
in Photoemission from Underdoped Cuprates," Phys. Rev. Lett.
79, 1726 (1997).
R. B. Laughlin, "Evidence for Electron Decay in
Photoemission from
Sr2CuO2Cl2," J. Phys. Chem.
Solids 56, 1627 (1995).
R. B. Laughlin, "Numerical Evidence for Electron
Decay in the Two-Dimensional t-J Model," J. Low Temp. Phys.
99, 443 (1995). |
M. Sigrist, D. B. Bailey and R. B. Laughlin,
"Fractional Vortices as Evidence for Time-Reversal Symmetry
Breaking in High-Temperature Superconductors," Phys. Rev.
Lett. 74, 3249 (1995). |
P. Béran, D. Poilblanc and R. B. Laughlin,
"Evidence for Composite Nature of Quasiparticles in the 2D
t-J Model," Nucl. Phys. B 473, 7071 (1996). |
R. B. Laughlin, "d-Wave Superconductivity with
a Gap," Strongly Correlated Electronic Materials: The
Los Alamos Symposium 1993, ed. by K. S. Bedell, Z. Wang,
D. E. Maltzer, A. V. Balatsky and E. Abrahams (Addison-Wesley,
Reading, Massachusetts, 1994), p. 566. |
R. B. Laughlin, "Tunneling Gap as Evidence
for Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in High-Temperature
Superconductors," Physica C 234, 280 (1994). |
A. M. Tikofsky and R. B. Laughlin, "Response
Function of the t-J Model Calculated Using Anyon Techniques,"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 10165 (1994). |
J. L. Levy and R. B. Laughlin, "Spin
Susceptibility and Gap Structure of the Fractional
Statistics Gas," Phys. Rev. B 50, 7107 (1994). |
M. R. Beasley, D. Lew and R. B. Laughlin,
"Time-Reversal Symmety Breaking in Superconductors: A
Proposed Experimental Test," Phys. Rev. B 49, 12330
(1994). |
R. B. Laughlin, "New Elementary Particles in
Quantum Antiferromagnets and Their Potential Relevance to
High-Temperature Superconductivity," Modern Perspectives
in Many-Body Physics: Proc. of the 6th Physics Summer
School, Canberra, Australia, ed. by M. P. Das and J.
Mahanty (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994), p. 294. |
A. M. Tikofsky, S. B. Libby and R. B. Laughlin,
"Gauge Theory of the 3-Dimensional Chiral Spin Liquid,"
Nucl. Phys. B 413 [FS], 579 (1994). |
P. Béran and R. B. Laughlin,
"Fractional Statistics Gas with a Spin and Stability of
the Superfluid State," Phys. Rev. B 48, 10382
(1993). |
T. W. Lawrence, A. Szöke and R. B. Laughlin,
"Absence of T-Violating Circular Dichroism in High-Temperature
Superconducctors," Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1439
(1992). |
A. M. Tikofsky, R. B. Laughlin and Z. Zou,
"Computation of the Optical Conductivity of the t-J Model
Using Anyon Techniques," Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3670
(1992). |
Q. Dai, J. L. Levy, A. L. Fetter, C. B. Hanna
and R. B. Laughlin, "Quantum Mechanics of the Fractional
Statistics Gas: Random Phase Approximation," Phys. Rev. B
46, 5642 (1992). |
Z. Zou, J. L. Levy and R. B. Laughlin, "The
Macroscopically Doped Chiral Spin Liquid State," Phys.
Rev. B 45, 993 (1992). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Hole Propagator of the
Chrial Spin Liquid State," Phys. Rev. B 45, 400
(1992). |
A. L. Fetter, C. B. Hanna and R. B. Laughlin,
"Anyons and Superconductivity: Random Phase
Approximation," Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 5, 7751
(1991). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Current Status of Semionic
Pairing Theory of High-Tc Superconductors,"
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 5, 1507 (1991). |
S. B. Libby, Z. Zou and R. B. Laughlin,
"Non-Abelian Monopoles in the Three-Dimensional Chiral
Spin Liquid," Nucl. Phys. B 348, 693 (1991). |
C. B. Hanna, R. B. Laughlin and A. L. Fetter,
"Quantum Mechanics of the Fractional Statistics Gas:
Particle-Hole Interaction," Phys. Rev. B 43, 309
(1991). |
Z. Zou and R. B. Laughlin, "Charged Excitations
of the Chiral Spin Liquid State," Phys. Rev. B 42,
4073 (1990). |
C. B. Hanna, R. B. Laughlin and A. L. Fetter,
"Quantum Mechanics of the Fractional Statistics Gas:
Hartree-Fock Approximation" Phys. Rev. B 40, 8745
(1989). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Fractional Quantization in
High-Temperature Superconductivity," Mechanisms of
High-Temperature Superconductivity, ed. by H.
Kamimura and A. Oshiyama (Springer, Heidelberg, 1989), p.
76. |
R. B. Laughlin, "Spin Hamiltonian for Which
the Quantum Hall Wavefunction is Exact," Ann. Phys. (NY)
191, 163 (1989). |
V. Kalmeyer and R. B. Laughlin, "Theory of
the Spin Liquid State of the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet,"
Phys. Rev. B 39, 11879 (1989). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Fractional Statistics in
the Quantum Hall Effect," Two-Dimensional Strongly
Correlated Electron Systems, ed. by Zi-Zhao Gan and
Zhao-Bin Su (Gordon and Breach, London, 1989), p. 199.
[Reprinted in Fractional Statistics and Anyon
Superconductivity, ed. by F. Wilzcek (World
Scientific, Singapore, 1990), p. 262. |
A. L. Fetter, C. B. Hanna and R. B. Laughlin,
"The Random Phase Approximation in the Fractional
Statistics Gas," Phys. Rev. B 39, 9679 (1989). |
R. B. Laughlin, "The Relationship Between
High-Temperature Superconductivity and the Fractional
Quantum Hall Effect," Science 242, 525 (1988). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Superconducting Ground State
of Noninteracting Particles Obeying Fractional Statistics,"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 2677 (1988). |
R. B. Laughlin and C. B. Hanna, "Dilute
Fermi Liquid of Polarons in Copper Oxide Superconductors,"
Novel Superconductivity, ed. by S. A. Wolf and V. Z.
Kresin (Plenum, New York, 1987), p. 553. |
R. B. Laughlin, "Electrical Resistivity as
Quantum Chaos," Chaos 87, ed. by M. Van Duong
(North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987) [Nucl. Phys. B, Suppl. 2],
p. 213. |
V. Kalmeyer and R. B. Laughlin, "Equivalence
of the Resonating Valence Bond and Fractional Quantum Hall
States," Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 2095 (1987). |
R. H. Howell et al., "Positronium
Time-of-Flight sxpectroscopy of Dissimilar Metals," Phys.
Rev. B 35, 9805 (1987). |
V. Kalmeyer and R. B. Laughlin, "Differential
Conduction in Three-Dimensional Resonant Tunneling," Phys.
Rev. B 35, 9805 (1987). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Elementary Theory: The
Incompressible Quantum Fluid," The Quantum Hall
Effect, ed. by R. E. Prange and S. M. Girvin (Springer,
New York, 1987), p. 233. |
C. B. Hanna and R. B. Laughlin, "Oscillations
in the Current-Voltage Characteristics of GaAs-AlGaAs Tunnel
Junctions," Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2547 (1986). |
C. B. Hanna, E. S. Hellman and R. B. Laughlin,
"The Mechanism of Current Modulation by Optic
Phonon Emission in Heterojunction Tunneling Experiments,"
Phys. Rev. B 34, 545 (1986). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Destruction of the Fractional
Quantum Hall State by Disorder," Surf. Sci. 170, 167
(1986). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Temperature Dependence of
Interatomic Forces in the Thomas Fermi Approximation,"
Phys. Rev. A 33, 510 (1986). |
E. S. Hellman, J. S. Harris, C. B. hanna and R.
B. Laughlin, "One-Dimensional Polaron Effects and Current
Inhomogeneities in Sequential Phonon Emission," Physica B-C
334, 41 (1985). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Scaling of Conductivities in the
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect," Phys. Rev. B 32,
1311 (1985). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Quasiparticle Aggregation
in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect," Proc. of the
17th Intl. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, ed.
by D. J. Chadi and W. A. Harrison (Springer, New York,
1985), p. 255. |
R. B. Laughlin, "Excitons in the Fractional
Quantum Hall Effect," Physica B 126, 254 (1984). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Fractional Quantization of
the Hall conductance," Two-Dimensional Systems,
Heterostructures and Superlattices, ed. by G. Bauer, F.
Kuchar and H. Heinrich (Springer, Heidelberg, 1984), p.
285. |
R. B. Laughlin, "The Gauge Argument for
Accurate Quantization of the Hall Conductance," ibid.,
p. 272. |
R. B. Laughlin, "Levitation of Extended State
Bands in a Strong magnetic Field," Phys. Rev. Lett. 52,
2304 (1984). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Primitive and Composite Ground
States in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect," Surf. Sci.
141, 11 (1984). |
R. B. Laughlin, "The Anomalous Quantum Hall
Effect: An Incompressible Quantum Fluid with Fractionally
Charged Excitations," Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1395
(1983). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Quantized Motion of Three
2-Dimensional Electrons in a Strong Magnetic Field," Phys.
Rev. B 27, 3389 (1983). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Universal Behavior in the
Electrical Conductivity of Strong-Scattering Expanded Fluid
Metals," Phys. Rev. B 26, 7019 (1982). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Exchange Theory of
Resistivity Saturation," Phys. Rev. B 26, 3479
(1982). |
R. B. Laughlin, "Helium Scattering from the
GaAs (110) Surface and the Generation of Helium-Surface
Interactions," Phys. Rev. B 25, 2222 (1982). |
R. B. Laughlin, "The Quantized Hall
Conductivity in Two Dimensions," Phys. Rev. B 23,
5632 (1981). |
R. B. Laughlin, "The Optical Absorption Edge
of Silicon Dioxide," Phys. Rev. B 22, 3021
(1980). |