Los Angeles, California |
March Meeting of the American Physical Society. |
Berkeley, California |
Cohen/Shen fest, University of California at
Berkeley. |
Baltimore, Maryland |
Brickwedde Lecture, Johns Hopkins University. |
Singapore |
Looking to the Next 100 Years of Physics, Nanyang
Technical University. |
Barcelona, Spain |
Conference on the Spectroscopy of Novel
Superconductors. |
Aspen, Colorado |
Conference on Emergent Matter. |
Seoul, South Korea |
Gwanak Lecture, Seoul National University. |
Kyoto, Japan |
Science and Technology Forum. |
Sendai, Japan |
4th International Workshop onf Novel Quantum
Phenomena in Transition Metal Oxides. |
Austin, Texas |
March Meeting of the American Physical Society. |
Helsinki, Finland |
March Meeting of the Finnish Physical Society. |
Shanghai, China |
NEDO Meeting on Cuprate Superconductivity. |
Rio de Janiero, Brazil |
Seventh International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms
of Superconductivity and High-Temperature Superconductors. |
St. Petersburg, Russia |
Symposium in Celebration of the First Annual Global Energy
Prize. |
Würzburg, Germany |
Symposium on Correlated-Electron Physics. |
Stuttgart, Germany |
Quantum Hall Effect Symposium, Max Planck
Institute. |
Sendai, Japan |
International Conference on Slow Dynamics in Matter. |
Sendai, Japan |
International Conference on Correlated-Electron
Superconductivity. |
Cambridge, Massachusetts |
Halperin Fest, Harvard. |
Berkeley, California |
Oppenheimer Lecture, University of California at
Berkeley. |
Waterloo, Ontario |
Perimeter Institute. |
Murray Hill, New Jersey |
Buckley Prize Symposium, Lucent Technologies. |
Princeton, New Jersey |
Science and Ultimate Reality: Celebrating the Vision of
John Archibald Wheeler. |
Boston, Massachusetts |
Edmunds Lecture, Boston University. |
Kona, Hawaii |
CERC ERATO Meeting. |
Beijing, China |
C. N. Yang Fest. |
Hong Kong, China |
Croucher ASI Workshop, Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
Snowmass, Colorado |
Frauenfelder Fest. |
Livermore, California |
Livermore Laboratory Anniversary Celebration. |
Hsinchu, Taiwan |
Physics and Chemistry of Molecular and Oxide
Superconductors 2002. |
Hiroshima, Japan |
23rd International Conference on Low-Temperature
Physics. |
Sendai, Japan |
International Workshop on Novel Quantum Phenomena in
Transition Metal Compounds. |
Pohang, Korea |
Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics -
International Center for Theoretical Physics Joint
Symposium. |
Santa Fe, New Mexico |
Workshop on Designing Emergent Matter. |
Chicago, Illinois |
Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors. |
Wailea, Hawaii |
Annual NEDO Workshop on Correlated Electron Systems. |
Madrid, Spain |
International Conference: La Fisica en Los Albores del
Siglo XXI. |
Lijiang, Yunnan |
Workshop on the Mechanism of High-Temperature
Superconductivity. |
Lindau, Germany |
Meeting of Nobel Laureates. |
Ann Arbor, Michigan |
Strongly-Correlated Electron Systems 2001. |
Los Alamos, New Mexico |
Zackfest. |
Los Alamos, New Mexico |
Workshop on the Future of Materials Physics. |
Sendai, Japan |
Conference on Novel Quantum Phases in Transition Metal
Oxides. |
Anacapri, Italy |
Conference on Low-dimensional Field Theory at Work in
Condensed Matter. |
Kashiwa, Japan |
Workshop on Correlated-Electron Materials. |
Santa Fe, New Mexico |
Schrieffer Fest. |
Gothenburg, Sweden |
Jubilee Nobel Symposium on Coherence and Condensation. |
Würzburg, Germany |
Symposium on Röntgen's Heritage. |
La Jolla, California |
Workshop on Quantitative Challenges in Genomics. |
Houston, Texas |
Conference on Materials and Methods in Superconductivity. |
Regensberg, Germany |
March Meeting of the German Physical Society. |
Kona, Hawaii |
Annual NEDO Workshop on Correlated Electron Systems. |
Los Alamos, New Mexico |
Conference on Sciences Affecting Our Future, Center
for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory. |
Lindau, Germany |
Jubilee Meeting of Nobel Laureates. |
Aspen, Colorado |
Pagels Lecture, Aspen Center for Physics. |
Santa Barbara, California |
Workshop on High-Tc Superconductivity, Institute
for Theoretical Physics. |
Los Alamos, New Mexico |
Workshop on Adaptive Behavior in Correlated-Electron Matter,
Los National Laboratory. |
Sendai, Japan |
Workshop on Correlated-Electron Matter. |
Atlanta, Georgia |
March Meeting of the American Physical Society. |
Toronto, Ontario |
Welsh Lectures, University of Toronto. |
Kona, Hawaii |
Annual NEDO Workshop on Correlated Electron Systems. |
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Workshop on Topology and Gauge Fields. |
Ottawa, Ontario |
Conference on the Physics of Compound Semiconductors. |
Helsinki, Finland |
International Conference on Low-Temperature Physics. |
Los Alamos, New Mexico |
Workshop on Mesoscopic Physics. |
Seattle, Washington |
International Conference on Many-Body Theories. |
Seattle, Washington |
Conference on Trends in Condensed Matter Physics. |
Montreal, Quebec |
McPherson Lectures, McGill University. |
Lammi, Finland |
Symposium on Quantum Phenomena at Low Temperatures. |
Mauterndorf, Austria |
Winter School on New Developments in Solid State Physics. |
Pasadina, California |
Mini-Symposium on Modern Topics in Condensed Matter
Physics, Caltech. |
Kyoto, Japan |
Taniguchi Symposium. |
Rome, Italy |
Stripes 98. |
Trieste, Italy |
Third Trieste Conference on Statistical Field Theory. |
Jerusalem, Israel |
International Conference on the Physics of
Semiconductors. |
Tallahassee, Florida |
Physical Phenomena in High Magnetic Fields III. |
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
Franklin Medal Lecture, University of Pennsylvania. |
Stockholm, Sweden |
Nobel Lecture, University of Stockholm. |
Aspen, Colorado |
Winter Conference on Strongly Correlated Electrons. |
Kansas City, Missouri |
March Meeting of the American Physical Society. |
Chicago, Illinois |
Pseudogap Workshop, University of Illinois at Chicago. |
Trieste, Italy |
Miniworkshop on Open Issues in Strongly Correlated Electron
Systems. |
Chia, Sardinia |
Fourth Conference on Common Trends in Condensed Matter and
High Energy Physics. |
Chicago, Illinois |
Symposium on Sonoluminescence, University of Chicago. |
Falmouth, Massachusetts |
Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors. |
Pohang, South Korea |
Workshop on Strongly Correlated Systems and Field Theory. |
Zichron Yakov, Israel |
Arkady Aronov Memorial Symposium. |
Houston, Texas |
10th Anniversary High-Temperature Superconductor Workshop
on Physics, Materials, and Applications. |
Seoul, South Korea |
Inauguration Conference of Asia-Pacific Center for
Theoretical Physics. |
Plymouth, New Hampshire |
Gordon Conference on Condensed Matter Physics. |
Florence, Italy |
Workshop on Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin Systems,
Superconductors, and Gauge Theories. |
Stanford, California |
Stanford Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel
Superconductors. |
Copenhagen, Denmark |
Nordita Conference on Physics of the 2D Electron Gas. |
Cargèse, Corsica |
Cargèse Summer School on Low-Dimensional
Applications of Quantum Field Theory. |
Chia, Sardinia |
Third Conference on Common Trends in Condensed Matter and
High Energy Physics. |
Dahab, Sinai |
Sinai Meeting on High Energy, Condensed Matter, and
Environmental Physics. |
College Park, Maryland |
Center for Theoretical Physics Distinguished Lecture,
University of Maryland. |
Aspen, Colorado |
Winter Conference on High-Temperature Superconductors and
Related Materials. |
Argonne, Illinois |
Workshop on High-Temperature Superconductors: Pairing State
and Mechanism. |
Würzburg, Germany |
International Euroconference on Magnetic Correlations,
Metal-Insulator Transitions, and Superconductivity in Novel
Materials. |
Chia, Sardinia |
Second Conference on Common Trends in Condensed Matter and
High Energy Physics. |
Trieste, Italy |
Salamfest. |
Bodega Bay, California |
Workshop on Room-Temperature Superconductivity. |
Wolfborough, New Hampshire |
Gordon Conference on Condensed Matter Physics. |
Beijing, China |
Workshop on Frontiers in Low-Dimensional Condensed Matter
Physics. |
Taipei, Taiwan |
Lectureship on National Science Council of the Republic of
China. |
Santa Barbara, California |
Conference on Quantum Phase Transitions. |
Columbia, south Carolina |
Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Theory. |
Chia, Sardinia |
Conference on Common Trends in Condensed Matter and High
Energy Physics. |
Canberra, Australia |
Conference on Modern Perspectives in Many-Body Physics. |
Houston, Texas |
Workshop on the Physics and Mathematics of Anyons. |
Florence, Italy |
Workshop on Anyon Superconductivity. |
Trieste, Italy |
Conference on Quantum Field Theory and Condensed Matter
Physics. |
Keystone, Colorado |
Scientist-to-Scientist Workshop. |
Torino, Italy |
Workshop on High-Temperature Superconductors. |
Norman, Oklahoma |
Beyond the Standard Model II. |
Anaheim, California |
March Meeting of the American Physical Society. |
San Francisco, California |
Annual Meeting of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science. |
Rochester, New York |
Eastman Kodak Lecture, University of Rochester. |
Mt. Fuji, Japan |
IBM Japan Symposium on Strong Correlation and
Superconductivity. |
Santa Barbara, California |
Conference on High-Temperature Superconductivity. |
Stanford, California |
M2S-High-Temperature Superconductivity
Meeting. |
Beijing, China |
Workshop on Quantum Physics in Two-Dimensional Systems. |
Grätåvallen, Sweden |
Workshop on Quantum Physics in Low Dimensional Systems. |
Yorktown Heights, New York |
2nd Resonating Valence Bond Workshop. |
Hakone, Japan |
2nd NEC Symposium on Fundamental Approaches to New Material
Phases. |
Monterey, California |
Conference on the Physics of Chaos and Systems Far from
Equilibrium. |
Banff, Alberta |
NATO Summer School on Interfaces, Quantum Wells, and
Superlattices. |
Princeton, New Jersey |
1st Resonating Valence Bond Workshop. |
Las Vegas, Nevada |
March Meeting of the American Physical Society. |
Philadephia, Pennsylvania |
Annual Meeting of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science. |
Copenhagen, Denmark |
Conference on Fundamental Effects in Semiconductor Systems,
Kingston, Ontario |
Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics, Queens
University. |
Annendale, New Jersey |
Meeting of the Corporate Associates of the APS, Exxon
Research Center. |
San Francisco, California |
4th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body
Theories. |
Kyoto, Japan |
6th International Conference on the Physics of
Two-Dimensional Systems. |
Moscow, USSR |
Workshop on Quantum Fluids. |
Mauterndorf, Austria |
3rd International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid
State Physics. |
The Hague, Netherlands |
European Physical Society Meeting. |
Detroit, Michigan |
March Meeting of the American Physical Society. |
San Francisco, California |
17th International Conference on the Physics of
Semiconductors. |
Karlsruhe, West Germany |
17th International Conference on Low-Temperature
Physics. |
Livermore, California |
Lawrence Award Lecture, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory. |
Los Angeles, California |
March Meeting of the American Physical Society. |
Oxford, England |
5th International Conference on Electronic Properties of
Two-Dimensional Systems, Oxford University. |
Kingston, Ontario |
Fall Symposium of the Canadian Association of Physicists,
Queens College. |
Indianapolis, Indiana |
March Meeting of the American Physical Society. |