Rice University Energy Web Site

Prof. Robert B. Laughlin
Department of Physics
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

(Copied 27 Dec 08)

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The Role of National Oil Companies
in International Energy Markets

Case Studies
Key Findings Box
Key Findings Box
2. Chinese NOCs' Overseas Strategies: Background, Comparison and Remarks
Xiaojie Xu, Director, Institute for Overseas Investment, CNPC
Key Findings Box
3. Petronas: A National Oil Company with an International Vision
Fred R. von der Mehden, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Rice University
Al Troner, President, Asia Pacific Energy Consulting
Key Findings Box
4. Lukoil: Russia's Largest Oil Company
Isabel Gorst, Correspondent, Financial Times of London
Key Findings Box
5. A Model of the Operation and Development of a National Oil Company
Peter Hartley, Professor of Economics, Rice University
Kenneth B. Medlock III, Research Fellow in Energy Studies, Baker Institute

6. Empirical Evidence on the Operational Efficiency of National Oil Companies
Peter Hartley, Professor of Economics, Rice University
Kenneth B. Medlock III, Research Fellow in Energy Studies, Baker Institute
Stacy L. Eller, Graduate Researcher in Energy Studies, Baker Institute

7. Lord of the Rigs: Rosneft as a Mirror of Russia's Evolution
Nina Poussenkova, Senior Research Fellow, Russian Academy of the Sciences
Key Findings Box
9. India's ONGC: Balancing Different Roles, Different Goals New revised version!!!
Tanvi Madan, L.B.J. School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin
Key Findings Box
10. Iraq's Oil Sector: Past, Present and Future
Amy Myers Jaffe, Wallace S. Wilson Fellow in Energy Studies, Baker Institute
Key Findings Box
11. Saudi Aramco: National Flagship with Global Responsibilities New revised version!!!
Amy Myers Jaffe, Wallace S. Wilson Fellow in Energy Studies, Baker Institute
Jareer Elass, Energy Consultant and Editor, Baker Institute

11b. Corporate Strategies of Saudi Aramco
Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Researcher, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
12. The National Iranian Oil Company in Iranian Politics
Daniel Brumberg, Associate Professor of Government, Georgetown University
Ariel I. Ahram, Graduate Fellow, Center for Democracy and Civil Society, Georgetown University

13. Pertamina, Indonesia's State-Owned Oil Company New revised version!!!
Donald I. Hertzmark, Consultant
14. Venezuela's PDVSA and World Energy Markets: Corporate Strategies and Political Factors Determining its Behavior and Influence
David R. Mares, Professor of Political Science, UC San Diego
Nelson Altamirano, Visiting Scholar, Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, UC San Diego

PDVSA Appendix
15a. Chinese NOCs and World Energy Markets: CNPC, Sinopec and CNOOC
Steven W. Lewis, Research Fellow in Asian Studies and Economics, Baker Institute
15b. The Business Development of China 's National Oil Companies: the Government to Business Relationship in China
Sizhi Guo, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
16. KAZMUNAIGAZ: Kazakhstan's National Oil and Gas Company
Martha Brill Olcott, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
17. Statoil: A Study in Political Entrepreneurship
Richard Gordon, President and CEO, Gordon Energy Solutions
Thomas Stenvoll, Market Analyst, Hess Energy Trading Company

19. NOCs and U.S. Foreign Policy New revised version!!!
Joe Barnes, Research Fellow, Baker Institute
Matthew E. Chen, Energy Research Associate, Baker Institute
20. The International Oil Companies
Amy Myers Jaffe, Wallace S. Wilson Fellow in Energy Studies, Baker Institute
Ronald Soligo, Professor of Economics, Rice University

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