Rice University Energy Web Site

Prof. Robert B. Laughlin
Department of Physics
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

(Copied 27 Dec 08)

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Japanese Energy Security and Changing Global Energy Markets:
An Analysis of Northeast Asian Energy Cooperation and Japan's Evolving Leadership Role in the Region

1. Main Study
Amy Jaffe, Senior Energy Advisor
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Rice University
2. Cultural Security Perspectives In Northeast Asia and Their Impact On Energy Cooperation
A Seminar Report
3. Japan's Relations With Primary Energy Suppliers
Fred R. von der Mehden, A. Thomas Professor Emeritus
Rice University
4. In Harm's Way? Chinese Power Projection in Historical Perspective
Richard J. Stoll, Professor of Political Science and Associate Director
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Rice University

5. Japanese Energy Security in the Twenty-First Century: Whose Job Is It Anyway?
T. Clifton Morgan, A. Thomas Professor of Political Science
Rice University
Glenn Palmer, Associate Professor of Political Science
Texas A&M University

6. Between Balance of Power and Community: The Future of Multilateral Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific
G. John Ikenberry, Associate Professor of Political Science
The University of Pennsylvania
Jitsuo Tsyuchiyama, Professor of International Relations
School of International Politics, Economics, and Business
Aoyama Gakuin University

7. The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Odd, Uneasy, Likely to Last
Joe Barnes, Research Fellow
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Rice University
8. Oil and Strategic Development of Substitute Technology
Kaz Miyagiwa, Associate Professor of Economics
Louisiana State University
Yuka Ohno, Assistant Professor of Economics
Rice University
9. Sino-Russian Gas Connections and Impacts
Xiaojie Xu

Beijing, China
10. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Perspectives on Japan's Nuclear Energy Policy: Implications For Energy Demand and Economic Growth
Eleftheria Safiolea, Graduate Student
Department of Civil Engineering
Rice University
Robin C. Sickles, Professor of Economics
Rice University
Pol Spanos, Lewis B. Ryon Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Rice University

11. Japan's Energy Strategy, Russian Economic Security, and Opportunities for Russian Energy Development: Major Issues and Policy Recommendations
Takamichi Mito, Professor and Chief Coordinator
Japan in Today's World Program
Kyushu University
Fukuoka, Japan

12. Japanese Energy Demand To 2015
Ron Soligo, Professor of Economics
Rice University
Kenneth B. Medlock III
Department of Economics
Rice University
13. Asia's Energy Security and the Role of Japan: A Diplomatic Perspective On Asian Sea Lanes and other regional issues
Kohei Hashimoto, General Manager
Senior Research Fellow
PHP Research Institute, Inc.
14. The Probability of Oil Market Disruption: With an Emphasis on the Middle East
Paul Horsnell, Associate Director For Research
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
15. Reform of the Electrical Supply Industry in Japan
Peter Hartley, Professor of Economics
Rice University
16. Nuclear Power Generation and Energy Security: The Challenges and Possibilities of Regional Cooperation
Tatsujiro Suzuki, Guest Professor
The University of Tokyo
Senior Researcher
Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
17. Trends and Prospects of Deregulation in Japan
Kosuke Oyama, Faculty of Law
Keio University
18. Japanese Nuclear energy Policy and Public Opinion
Mindy L. Kotler and Ian T. Hillman
Japan Information Access Project
19. Japan and the Russian Far East: The Economics and Competitive Impact of Least Cost Gas Imports
Al Troner, Managing Director
Asia Pacific Energy Consulting Inc.

20. Impact of the Reopening of Persian Gulf Upstream Sectors to International Investment in International Oil Markets
Amy Jaffe, Senior Energy Analyst
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Rice University
Ronald Soligo, Professor of Economics
Rice University

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