Rice University Energy Web Site

Prof. Robert B. Laughlin
Department of Physics
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

(Copied 27 Dec 08)

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China and Long-Range Asian Energy Security:
An Analysis of the Political, Economic, and Technological Factors
Shaping Asian Energy Markets

1. Main Study
Amy Jaffe, Senior Energy analyst
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University
2. Social, Cultural, and Religious Factors Influencing China's Energy Supply
A Seminar Report
3. Slaying the China Dragon: the New China Threat School
Joe Barnes, Research Fellow
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University
4. The Gas Dragon's Rise: Chinese Natural Gas Strategy and Import Patterns
Xiaojie Xu, Research Fellow
The Petroleum Strategies Group, Beijing
5. First Things First: Development and Global Warming
Michael Warby, Editor
Institute of Public Affairs Review
Peter Hartley, Professor
Department of Economics
Rice University
Kenneth B. Medlock, III
Department of Economics
Rice University

6. China's Military Posture and the New Economic Geopolitics
Evan A. Feigenbaum, Fellow
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University

7. Accounting for the Environment Factors: Implications for OECD and Asian Growth and Composition of Energy Demand
Byung Mok Jeon
Department of Economics
Rice University
Robin C. Sickles, Professor
Department of Economics
Rice University

8. Privatizing China's State-Owned Oil Companies
Steven W. Lewis
Department of Political Science and Transnational China Project
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Rice University

9. The Composition and Growth in Energy Demand in China
Kenneth B. Medlock, III
Department of Economics
Rice University
Ronald Soligo, Professor of Economics
Rice University

10. Chinese Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Insights from the Two-Good Theory
T. Clifton Morgan, Professor
Department of Political Science
Rice University
Glenn Palmer, Professor
Department of Political Science
Texas A&M University
11. China's Growing Energy Dependence: The Costs and Policy Implications of Supply Alternatives
Ronald Soligo, Professor of Economics
Rice University
Amy Jaffe, Senior Energy Analyst
James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy
Rice University
12. Energy and Conflict in Contemporary Asia
Fred von der Mehden, Albert Thomas Professor of Political Science Emeritus
Department of Political Science
Rice University
13. China-Russia Energy Cooperation: Impetuses, Prospects, and Impacts
Xia Yishan
China Institute for International Studies

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James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy