Founded February 1, 1998
(042)-869-2241 FAX: 869-2245
Vol. 267, November 11, 2005


Joon Jeon

Senior Reporter, Coverage Team
(Chemistry, Entrance Year 2004)

Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology
373 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon 305-711, Republic of Korea

Cell: 017-415-0492
email: [email protected]

I am a very ordinary student who graduated from a science high school. I came to Times because I have been longing for writing and thinking since my freshman days. I have worked at the coverage team since I came to Times; presently I hold posts of Senior Reporter at both the Coverage Team and the Planning Team.

I am ready to talk with anyone because I love meeting people. Although I heard my personality is eccentric sometimes, I am very beautiful and healthy, thanks to dieting. :) My major is chemistry; if possible I want to take humanities courses as a minor. Lately I am very interested in coordination chemistry and am doing my best to be an excellent chemist. If you have any stories to share, please contact me. You are always welcome.

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