Updated Nov.22,2005 18:59 KST

Science Has no Plans to Retract Hwang Research Paper

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The U.S. journal Science has no plans to retract a publication by stem cell pioneer Prof. Hwang Woo-suk because of doubts over the ethics of occyte procurement for the research it summarizes, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.

The daily quoted the editor-in-chief of Science, Donald Kennedy, as saying no retraction of the scientific content would be called for, but the journal could publish a correction of a disclaimer that no women were paid for their egg cells after a Hwang collaborator admitted paying donors.

Roh Sung-il of the MizMedi fertility clinic said Monday he paid the women about US$1,500 each out of his own pocket. ��Still at issue is whether any of the women who gave up eggs for the research were junior members of Hwang's laboratory staff, as some unconfirmed reports have suggested -- an arrangement widely judged as unethical because of the possibility of coercion,�� the daily concluded.

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