Kyshtym Disaster Consequences

Ali Taoube
June 12, 2024

Submitted as coursework for PH241, Stanford University, Winter 2024

Fig. 1: Sr-90 dietary intake (Image Source: A. Taoube, after Akleyev et al. [1])

The Kyshtym disaster, which transpired at the Mayak Production Association in 1957, was one of the earliest and most severe nuclear accidents. This event precipitated extensive environmental contamination, notably through the dispersal of Sr-90 and Cs-137, leading to significant ecological and health impacts. The event's socio-political effects have persisted, influencing the discourse on nuclear safety and transparency. On September 29, 1957, the Mayak Production Association, a plutonium manufacturing site in the Soviet Union, experienced a catastrophic failure when a waste storage tank exploded. The incident released approximately 74 petabecquerels (PBq) (1 PBq = 1015 Becquerel) of radioactive isotopes into the environment, creating a contaminated expanse known as the East Urals Radioactive Trace (EURT). [1] The EURT is a long, narrow streak stretching from the northeast from the southern Urals to the Arctic Circle, and its location has only been modeled, not precisely measured.

Environmental Impact

The environmental consequences of the Kyshtym disaster were immediate and far-reaching. The explosion released approximately 74 PBq of radioactive isotopes, including Sr-90 and Cs-137, into the surrounding environment. [1] The dissemination of these radionuclides resulted in the contamination of over 20,000 km2 of land, affecting both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems within the East Urals Radioactive Trace (EURT). [1] A significant bioaccumulation of radionuclides in local flora and fauna disrupted ecological balances and led to significant biodiversity loss in the affected areas. [2]

Dietary intake of Sr-90 per calendar period peaked shortly after the disaster, in the May 1958 to October 1958 calendar period at 4095 Bq (See Fig. 1). The peak in dietary Sr-90 intake occurred a year after the explosion because the contaminated grain harvested in the autumn of 1958 was used for bread production throughout the following year. Grains in the region were usually harvested from September to October, and then grain of that harvest is used for bread production up the November of the next year.

Part of the decline in Sr-90 intake observed in the EURT settlements can be attributed to the physical decay of Sr-90. However, its half-life of 28.9 years means that the amount of radioactivity from a given amount of Sr-90 decays roughly 5% per year. The rapid radioactive decay of short- and medium-lived radionuclides and the subsequent reduction in contamination level also contributed. Even greater contributors to the decline in this signal include the environmental and ecological processes that redistribute and dilute the radioactive substances, as well as remediation efforts that worked to remove the contaminated materials. The implementation of countermeasures such as the removal of contaminated foodstuffs and the use of imported foods, contributed to the decrease in Sr-90 intake were also vital in decreased Sr-90 ingestion. [3]

Impact and Problems

Levels of Sr-90 in dietary intake were estimated by the researchers utilizing data from 1958-2011 on Sr-90 levels in local foodstuffs and human bones. These data were utilized to create an intake function for EURT residents, which also took into account age and gender dependent biokinetic models. Good agreement between experimental and reconstructed fecal β-activity values provided reliable intake estimates critical for assessing long-term radiogenic risks in the East Urals region. [3]

Reliable studies on the health impacts of the Kyshtym accident are only now being undertaken. It is thus difficult to quantify the exact consequences of the accident. Bouville reveals that populations exposed to the fallout from the Kyshtym disaster experienced an elevation in radiation-induced illnesses, with a discernible increase in leukemia cases, a pattern that seems to mirror observations in populations exposed to atomic bombings. [4] Despite this, more recent data from Chernobyl found no signal for any cancers other than thyroid cancer. Thus, the generalization of a twofold increase in all cancer types must be approached with caution. Eidemüller similarly found that the assertion of a significant rise in solid cancer incidences necessitates further empirical validation to confirm these patterns within the unique demographic and geographical context of the EURT, which by and large traverses sparsely populated taiga with settlements few and far between. [3]

The Kyshtym accident of 1957 remains a pivotal event in the history of nuclear energy, exemplifying the potential for catastrophic outcomes when safety and environmental protections fail. The environmental degradation, highlighted by Akleyev et al. and Alexakhin, underscores the enduring legacy of radioactive contamination and its impact on ecosystems. [1,2] The health consequences, detailed by Bouville and Eidemüller reflect the profound human cost of radiation exposure. [3,4] Collectively, these studies provide a multifaceted understanding of the Kyshtym disaster's consequences, offering crucial insights for future nuclear safety and environmental stewardship.

© Ali Taoube. The author warrants that the work is the author's own and that Stanford University provided no input other than typesetting and referencing guidelines. The author grants permission to copy, distribute and display this work in unaltered form, with attribution to the author, for noncommercial purposes only. All other rights, including commercial rights, are reserved to the author.


[1] A. V. Akleyev et al., "Consequences of the Radiation Accident at the Mayak Production Association in 1957 (the 'Kyshtym Accident')," J. Radiol. Prot. 37, R19 (2017).

[2] R. Alexakhin, "Large Radiation Accidents - Environmental and Medical Impacts," in International Seminar On Nuclear War And Planetary Emergencies: 40th Session, ed. by R. C. Ragaini (World Scientific, 2009), p. 151.

[3] D. Eidemüller, Nuclear Power Explained (Springer, 2021), p. 195.

[4] A. Bouville, "New Light Shed on the 'Kyshtym Accident' of 1957," J. Radiol. Prot. 40, E9 (2020).